Participate in EMOTIV’s Global Neuroscience Remote Research and Change the World

4 min readMay 20, 2022


Do you want to make an impact in the world? The Fourth Industrial Revolution is where we now all have opportunities to integrate physical, digital, and biological realms. EMOTIV is taking the lead in this space, collaborating with researchers around the world and conducting more research studies in 2022. You can become involved very easily with EMOTIV as a research participant and your contribution will make a major difference!

“The best way to predict the future is to invent it.”

Alan Kay

The EMOTIV Mission

EMOTIV has been assisting with worldwide neuroscience research since 2011. Being a recognized pioneer and market leader in this field, EMOTIV is enabling people everywhere to understand their brain better, using thoughts to control objects and improve themselves. The Neurogeneration Book outlined the potential for incredible brain enhancement opportunities to revolutionise the way we learn, do business and heal disease. You can be a part of this through research opportunities which will shape the future of the human brain.

The Importance of Neuroscience Research

Investigation of the human brain will be at the forefront of scientific research studies in the twenty-first century. It has the potential to address two fundamental issues: an ageing population, and a complex technological environment. Further understanding will assist us globally in improving treatments for neurodegenerative diseases. This will lead to a multiplicity of applications, gaining greater insight into our emotional and intellectual lives, which will maximise our innate capabilities and enrich our relationships with others.

Building a Global Neuroscience experiment

EMOTIV is an industry leader in the development of high-performance EEG (Electroencephalography) technology that is inexpensive and easy to use in conjunction with the EmotivLABs research platform. EmotivLABs is an online experiment builder and gateway for a global population of research contributors. There are thousands of individuals who are curious about how the brain works, want to know more about themselves, and be part of a story that will change their lives and the lives of those around them. Equipped with Emotiv’s wireless headsets, this remote research community will help in three ways: logistics, statistical power and more inclusive demographic analysis.

Your Opportunity to Learn and Earn with EMOTIV

As a user of EMOTIV’s Brainwear, you can contribute to the next generation of neuroscience with research activities that lead to new discoveries. By using EMOTIV’s wireless EEG Brainwear, you will become a citizen scientist and gain a better understanding of your brain, how it behaves, adapts, and learns. This will give you greater control over your stress levels and focus which will let you work smarter. It’s a virtual coach inside your head, optimizing your brainpower, firing up your performance and creating flow.

Your activism starts by slipping on your Brainwear and letting your brainwaves do their thing. Meanwhile, you can choose to easily upload your data to EmotivLABS. From there, neuroscience researchers can access and analyse the data as part of their global scientific experiments or for market testing. Here are the three steps for you to start:

  • Decide to participate. Contribute to neuroscience experiments from anywhere in the world as an EMOTIV remote research volunteer. All you need is your computer and an EMOTIV EEG headset.
  • Get certified. You just need to demonstrate that you know how to use your headset to collect good quality EEG data and you will then be a valid participant.
  • Earn from home remotely. Your contribution is appreciated. When you upload your neural data for a remote research experiment as a contributor, you can earn money. Think of it as the perfect blend of neuroscience and the gig economy and have fun on the way with games, meditation etc.

With EMOTIV’s online data collection platform, you can take part in neuroscience experiments no matter where you live, what nationality or ethnicity you are, how much education you’ve had, or how much money you make. When thousands of other real people join in with these research opportunities, it can radically transform our world, which is activism at its best. This will have explosive ramifications on so many industries — business, healthcare, and more.

Here’s your chance to start where your brain can literally help shape the future of our world as a research participant. You can find out more about how to use EMOTIV Brainwear and become a citizen scientist of the world and here’s how.




EMOTIV is a neuroinformatics company advancing understanding of the human brain using electroencephalography (EEG).