Explore Games, Gain More Insights with EMOTIV LABS!

2 min readApr 11, 2022


Do More, See More! We have brain-training games in the EMOTIV LAB!

Test out your memory on Memory Meow Meow or show us your speed on Foolish Fish.

With the report features, you’ll get even more insights into:

  • How your brain changes moment by moment throughout experiment play which compares it to your baseline.
  • Your performance history for each attempt and how you can measure it every day. Track your cognitive stress, attention and engagement alongside your response time and accuracy to understand how they interact and how you change over time.

EMOTIV LABS connects the EMOTIV community online through interactive brain games. Inspired by scientific findings, validated extensively by psychology and neuroscience researchers in peer-reviewed publications, these brain games are designed to track your cognitive performance metrics in real time. During each game, we will record real time changes in brain signals, providing you with an individual report to see how you measure up!

Grab your EMOTIV EEG headset and try our games and reports today!

Learn more by visiting www.emotiv.com/emotiv-labs

EMOTIV LABS is the first-ever crowdsourced neuroscience initiative aggregating anonymous brain data from participants all over the world to address some of the key questions in brain health.

  • All data shared with EMOTIV is anonymized. Read more about our Data and Privacy policy here.
  • EMOTIV does not sell data to clients, partners or any other third parties.
  • The findings derived from EMOTIV LABS will allow EMOTIV to improve its algorithms and provide more insightful reports and metrics back to the community.
  • The aggregated anonymized results and findings may be published and available in white papers and publications to benefit everyone.

Note: This Beta release supports only desktop browsers and works best in Google Chrome.

Got feedback!? Please record your thoughts here.

Originally published at https://medium.com on April 11, 2022.




EMOTIV is a neuroinformatics company advancing understanding of the human brain using electroencephalography (EEG).